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The Benefits of Hiring a Criminal Defense Attorney over a Public Defender


When faced with criminal charges, many people consider the option of representation by a public defender. The cost of hiring a lawyer, when compared to the free services offered by a public defender, is often the motivating factor in considering choosing a public defender.

Although they do have the benefit of being free, you will not receive the same level of service from a public defender as you will with a criminal defense attorney. The experience, knowledge, and connections that hired lawyers have are invaluable in criminal defense cases.

Attentive, Individualized Service

Public defenders are often managing many different cases at one time. They may be overwhelmed, and therefore not able to offer the level of focus a criminal defense lawyer can.

A criminal defense attorney will be more readily available to answer your questions, discuss your case, and guide you through the legal process. Lawyers often give their clients a direct way to contact them, whereas a public defender may be a little harder to get in touch with.

Access to Helpful Resources

Choosing to hire your own attorney will give you access to their wealth of knowledge and their connections in the legal world. A criminal defense lawyer will be able to build a more solid case for you.

Compared to a public defender, a criminal defense attorney will be able to more easily utilize:

  • Evidence testing systems
  • Expert witnesses
  • Investigation and research staff

Within their own firm, lawyers usually have an entire team of people to support them — and you!

Investment in Your Case

A major advantage of hiring a criminal defense attorney is that they care about your case. This isn’t to say all public defenders are indifferent about their jobs, but many private lawyers rely heavily on client referral for business. Providing quality service is in their best interest.

Do you need an experienced criminal defense attorney in Omaha? Contact Burnett Legal Group to schedule a free consultation — fill out our message form or call (402) 810-8611 today!
