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Dog Bites Cost the Insurance Industry $530 Million in Claims Paid Per Year


According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog bites (and other dog-related injuries) accounted for more than one-third of all homeowner's liability claims in 2014.

Each year, more than 4.5 million people in the United States are bitten or injured by dogs. Almost 1 in 5 people bitten by dogs require medical attention. Children are, by far, the most common victims of dog bites and are much more likely to be severely injured.

There are many things dog owners can do to prevent dog bites injury claims:

  • Supervise all interactions between strangers, all children and your dog.
  • Give your dog lots of exercise. Exercised dogs are happy dogs.
  • Work with your dog to not bark or paw at you or others for attention.
  • Don't chain your dog or leave them alone in a yard for extended periods.
  • Avoid using training methods where you shake, push or pin your dog to the ground to assert control - these techniques may reduce aggression toward you or your family, but may increase aggression toward children and strangers.

In Nebraska we have an important law that is very favorable to victims injured by dogs. Our statute defines "Dogs are hereby declared to be personal property for all intents and purposes, and the owner or owners of any dog or dogs shall be liable for any and all damages that may accrue (1) to any person, other than a trespasser, by reason of having been bitten by any such dog or dogs and (2) to any person, firm, or corporation by reason of such dog or dogs killing, wounding, injuring, worrying, or chasing any person or persons...Such damage may be recovered in any court having jurisdiction of the amount claimed."Nebraska Revised Statute § 54-601

It is important to note, this statute does not apply only to bites, but to any means of injury, including scratches, knock-downs, etc.

If you or someone who is close to you has been injured by a dog attack in Nebraska or Western Iowa, call Burnett Legal Group at (402) 810-8611 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.
