
What the Insurance Company Won't Tell You

If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, you will probably hear from the at-fault party’s insurance adjuster in order to recover your entitled settlement. But when it comes to personal injury claims, however, you must understand that insurance companies are not always looking out for your best interests.

Insurance companies are considered business corporations which aim to make money, not pay compensation to victims--prioritizing profits over people. Since this is most likely going through the process for the first time, they know how to take advantage of things, such as your desire to get it all over with quickly or your lack of knowledge of the law.

Due to the complexities associated with personal injury cases, it is imperative to seek legal representation from an experienced attorney. With more than 35 years of combined experience, our Omaha personal injury lawyer at Burnett Legal Group can protect your rights and best interests, ensuring that you are being treated fairly throughout the process of reaching a reasonable settlement.

The following are several things the insurance company won’t tell you about your case:

  • The first offer is not the best offer - A low first offer does not mean that you do not have a great case. There are many cases where our clients receive a low initial offer, yet the claim ended up settling for multiples of that offer. Settling early on in the aftermath of an accident is never in your best interests, especially if you have suffered serious injuries and require extensive medical treatment.
  • You are not required to talk to insurance adjusters - After an accident, the other party’s insurer will likely attempt to contact you and obtain a recorded statement. However, they often try to get statements as soon as they can--in order to have emotionally overwhelmed victims say things which could be used against them, giving insurance providers an opportunity to offer you a low settlement or deny your claim entirely. The fact of the matter is that you are not legally obligated to speak with them or provide a recorded statement. Instead, let your attorney handle the communication on your behalf.
  • Insurance companies are already aware of your medical history - Many insurers possess access to a national database which contains your personal information, such as all insurance claims you have ever filed and the damages which follow. When they ask you questions about your prior accidents or injuries, they probably already know the answers and are looking for any inconsistencies or omissions to discredit your story.
  • They can conduct surveillance - Insurance companies will use any information they uncover during surveillance to fight your claim or pay you a low settlement. In many cases, they hire private investigators to keep tabs on claimants. They can gain access to videos from the accident scene or even constantly check on your social media activity.
  • If they deny liability, that doesn’t mean you do not have a case - Insurance companies will do whatever it takes to deny payment to victims, including denying liability for the accidents altogether. Fortunately, an experienced lawyer can investigate your case, examine all of the evidence, develop an effective case strategy, and successfully challenge the insurance company.

If you have any questions about a recent accident and how our firm can help you communicate with insurance providers. Call (402) 810-8611 or contact us onlineschedule a free consultation with our Omaha personal injury attorneys today.

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